Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Desire to Serve God

Well it has been a long time since I have blogged anything and as I was talking to my daughter Rebecca I told her how I would like to journal some of the things that God has been doing in my life and how he has been speaking to my heart. She suggested that I just write these things on my blog. So I thought that I would give it a try.

This past semester Rebecca was able to take a missions class and one of the books that she was required to read was Through the Gates of Splendor. I had watched the movie The End of the Spear which retold the story of the five men who loved the Lord so much and wanted the Wadoni people to know of the Lord Jesus that they were willing to risks their lives to reach them.

I had heard of Jim Elliot but I really did not know too much about him or these men so I decided to also read the book. The book was so good it really captured my heart and made me desire to have a closer walk with the Lord myself.

After I finished the book I looked online to see if there were any other books that I could read to learn more about these men and I came across a book written by Elisabeth Elliot (Jim Elliots wife) Shadow of the Almighty The life and Testament of Jim Elliot . This book has been such an encouragement. Much that is written in this book was taken directly from letters that Jim had written to his parents, siblings, friends and a small diary that he always kept with him.

I am currently reading this book (when mommy gets a few minutes to read :) and I am going to write some of the things that the Lord used to speak to my heart.

God Bless, Kathy

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